Business Engineers Asia (BEA) represents a 'Direct To Market' (D2M) initiative to support Singapore's HORECA sector by offering an array of Italy's finest selection of produce for DIRECT PURCHASE, from Italian based suppliers. This initiative is a unique, cost competitive, flexible & HORECA - centric approach that focuses on a supportive framework to offer a win-win opportunity for all stakeholders from the buyers in Singapore & to suppliers from Italy. 

The aim of the project is to allow small HORECA businesses to buy authentic Italian products as there are products in our markets that can be misleading buyers into thinking the products are truly Italian made; we term these as "Italian sounding products". These "Italian sounding" products is the marketing of food & beverage produced worldwide but labelled with Italian names & misleading Italian words, images, trademarks & recipes.

“Let food be thy medicine. Let medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates


Business Engineers Asia (BEA) Singapore is a market entry specialist who consult & support foreign companies with market entry, identifying sales channels & providing full back end support from logistics, storage (ambient, chilled & frozen), inventory management & even finance remittance. BEA has developed a unique ‘Direct to Market (D2M)’ model that allows suppliers to get real time information on potential clients’ needs & have full control on all decisions up to the product sales. Hence customers benefit from cost competitive pricing & a greater range of product selection.

BEA mooted the idea of the project, "Italy’s Finest” to ICCS after Singapore opened up & loosen it's tough COVID measures. BEA had identified that post COVID, rising costs & the affects of the long shutdown had impacted many HORECA businesses, from purchasing, to stock availability trading terms, etc. BEA's structure allows us to have the ability to help support through the entire supply chain, from imports including import licenses, all the way up to direct purchases, thus offering greater flexibility, cost savings & a uniquely structured support for the businesses,, from buyers to sellers.


Italy's Finest - a HORECA projects by BEA, supported by ICCS, has it's operations at Woodlands (Singapore). The aim is to extend flexibility via BEA's "Direct To Market" (D2M) solution allowing Singapore based HORECA businesses to purchase DIRECTLY from Italy suppliers, with a support structure right here in Singapore.  


28 Riverside Road, #05-01. PROGEN Building. Singapore 739085.